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This website is meant for family historians. Readers will find information about how people and communities were impacted by natural phenomena – or Mother Nature. Blog posts will present examples of actual events and how families coped with them. Links will be added to websites and articles that may assist genealogists looking for specific data about certain areas.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Living with a pandemic 47

 Getting Vaccinated

I had my first jab today. Booking for those over 75 started yesterday. Of course, with over 230,000 seniors wanting to book an appointment, the website had a problem. It took me just under two hours to get through to the final process and I got my first session right on the second day.

Many people have complained about the wait or gave up too soon. The media got right on this with headlines about the slow rollout and mismanagement. But I did not experience that. Everything went smooth after a few setbacks due to the volume of activity. All the folks in the line with me to get a shot had not had a problem.

This whole situation is remarkable when you consider that we are less than a year into the pandemic. In years past research and development has taken years. Now we have several vaccines approved for use within a few months. We are getting spoiled to the extent that we now expect rollouts to happen within days with no hassles. Older people are probably the worst group as far as patience go.

We are now reaching the beginning of the end of this scourge, although there is still a long road ahead before the herd is immunized.

I hope everyone stays safe and well and has a jab of their own soon.

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